
Part Link with the World's Largest Electronic Component Companies

210,000 Free Components Library with Each Company's Part ID

210,000 Free Components Library with Each Company's Part ID

All the 210K components are linked with CoreStaff, Mouser, Digi-Key, Chip1Stop and RS Components.It enables you to look up datasheets immediately whenever you want during design. More information such as stock information and prices from the distributors are also referable at any time. Those information helps you to select components, and even more, you can import useful information to your libraries.

How we provide immense amount of component, and more


We co-operate with ROHM Inc. to provide the library for their components.
We will continue to expand free components library by cooperating with parts manufacturers.

Prevent Rework. Design Smoothly.

Quadcept links with the world's leading online electronic component companies, CoreStaff, Mouser, Digi-Key, Chip1Stop and RS Components.
It enables you to check the latest price, packaging (tape, reel), stock and total price through Quadcept.
You can also output BOM files that can be imported on each company's website.

You can smoothly find components you need from more than 20 million parts.
Stocks and prices from the distributors are referable in real time during design.
Rework caused by changes in prices and stocks is prevented.
Datasheets can be checked whenever you need.
You can import useful information to your libraries.
Prevent Rework. Design Smoothly.

Quadcept's BOM Feature

You can check a total price for each distributor.
Components are color-coded by the company and easily distinguishable.
You can link with each distributor's website by one click and purchase parts smoothly.
A BOM file can be exported in each distributor's format.
It is not only available for ordering parts but also useful for management within your company and design team.
Quadcept's BOM Feature
SamacSys Ultra Librarian

Quadcept has signed partnerships with Ultra Librarian and SamacSys that provide the largest amount of CAD models, allowing uses to download design-ready, verified models and focus on their design without having trouble in component generation.